making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
142 Days To...
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Two hours later, the person I met with in the morning apparently had a change of heart. Things seem to be looking up but I still can't breathe easy until next Tuesday when the person would let me know the final decision. The person in question is known to be fickle-minded and a backstabber. :(
Monday, 29 March 2010
For those with young children, keep a lookout for HFMD.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Not 100%
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Earth Hour 2010
The girls were really excited and enthusiastic about Earth Hour. They helped to place the candles around the apartment such as in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and toilet. It didn't feel warm without the fan as it was quite breezy. The candles kept getting blown out by the breeze lol. Time also seemed to pass more slowly without the tv and computer. But we didn't mind as we all seemed more relaxed and were having fun. The girls and I star-grazed, talked and told ghost stories under the candle light. :) All too soon, we could use electricity again. The girls were already in bed before the Earth Hour ended. :) They are looking forward to Earth Hour 2011.
The only person who avoided Earth Hour was the girls' father. He took a long drive around for close to 1.5 hours. Sigh. What a bad role model for the girls. But thank goodness, the girls are not like him and are more than willing to do their part for Earth, even if it is only an hour. I will try to educate them to save more energy and to do more for Earth, or Gaia.
Friday, 26 March 2010
TV Series Updated
Action/ Fantasy:
Legend of The Seeker - adventure and magic in medieval times.
Merlin - adventures of young Merlin and Prince Arthur, and of course, magic too.
Action/ Supernatural:
Sanctuary - an organisation seeks out, helps and protects non-human creatures while containing the more dangerous ones.
True Blood - vampires and humans living together.
Crime/ Drama:
Bones - like CSI, forensic science focusing on FBI cases.
Fringe - I think this is the closest series ever to being hailed as the next "The X-files". :)
Stargate: Atlantis - similar to Stargate SG-1 but the Earth team is stationed at city of Atlantis on the planet, Lantea.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Handy Woman
I told her to go to bed and took over trying to fix the zipper. After 15 minutes and with the help of a screwdriver, I managed to force the slider back onto the chain (the continuous piece that is formed when both halves of a zipper are meshed together). The zipper is back in business! :)
I told Marieann not to zip up her bag all the way to the end but to leave a gap so that the same problem doesn't occur. Marieann was delighted and impressed that I repaired her bag and wanted to know how I did it. I took it as an opportunity for teaching. I told her her grandfather taught me to be handy with tools and she should learn to be the same. :)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Diabetes Complications
One of the complications arising from diabetes is retinopathy. When there is prolonged high blood glucose, the blood vessels of the retina are damaged by becoming enlarged or clogged. The blood vessels can become weak and rupture and the retina can become detached from the back of the eye. A person may notice strange blotches, blurriness, or dark spots in their vision. If this happens, it is important to visit the eye specialist because if left untreated, retinopathy can lead to blindness. Therefore, it's important to keep blood glucose levels as near to normal as possible to prevent retina damage.
The diagnosis: my father's diabetes is causing some minor problems for his eyesight but not untreatable. Phew. My father can still salvage the situation but he has to keep his blood glucose level DOWN! Sigh. Going to be hard work. :( There was the usual queueing and waiting at SGH but at least today's visit in total took about 2.5 hours. It's considered very fast lol.
The next SGH visit for my father is to see the heart specialist.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Life-altering Outcome
Monday, 22 March 2010
The Red Queen
You Are the Queen of Hearts |
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Cosy Housewarming
We love the large windows in her unit which allows for natural light and ventilation. As the blocks aren't close by to each other, it is also very breezy. The girls were eyeing the children's pool whereas I was eyeing the row of 3 jacuzzis next to the lap pool lol. Unfortunately it was raining so none of us could go for a swim/ use the jacuzzi. Next time lol. The landscaped terrain surrounding the condo is one with the nature and very zen-like. Hoon's unit is facing the lap pool, the koi pool and this beautiful tree. Makes one feel very relaxed and peaceful. No wonder, Hoon bought her unit. :)
For dinner, we had my mother's chicken rice with mango and salad and Hoon's fish curry and grilled chicken wings. It was a simple but delicious dinner. We chit-chatted and laughed over dinner.
It was a very cosy gathering. I can guarantee we will be back soon enough lol. Hoon, you better watch out. The girls won't give up until they have a go in the children's pool haha. :P
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Alice in Wonderland
We went for the 7pm show in 3D. The girls were thrilled as they had to put on the glasses to enjoy the 3D effect and also because I finally relented and bought them sweet popcorn. The girls were really good and sat through the 110 minutes movie. :) I think the 3D effects, the stunning visuals and the vivid colours all helped to capture their attention lol.
"Alice in Wonderland" gives a childhood story we are all familiar with, an imaginative and enchanting twist. It is set 13 years after Alice first fell into the rabbit hole. After Alice fell into the rabbit hole again, she met up with her friends - White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Dormouse, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, the Mad Hatter. Her magical adventure begins as Alice finds a way to end the Red Queen's reign of terror along with finding her true destiny.
"Alice in Wonderland" is a delightful adventure, fantasy movie that is for everyone. We left the cinema with big smiles on our faces.
Here's the trailer for "Alice in Wonderland".
The girls like the song "Alice" by Avril Lavigne while I like the song "The Technicolour Phase" by Owl City from the movie.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Wet Weather
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Online Homework II
There also seems to be a glitch with one of the assignments. The response rate and the mark remained as "0" despite having attempted all the questions in the assignment and despite getting the answers correct. :( Hopefully the upgrading will resolve that glitch. I guess this is one of the perils of using ICT.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Animal Crossing: Wild World
Animal Crossing is a great stress reliever, really fun and also highly addictive lol. So beware haha. :P
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Online Homework
When I checked yesterday, there were only 2 Chinese online homework. Marieann has already finished doing them yesterday. I was still thinking to myself that Marieann is really having it easy this March holiday, not much homework. Haha. :P If not for Sharon, I would not have checked the LEAD portal again this week! Phew. Otherwise, Marieann would then miss submitting her online homework on time. :P
Schools are really into using ICT for teaching and learning. No wonder children now-a-days are so comfortable with IT and are really IT-savvy.
Monday, 15 March 2010
SGH Experience
SGH is a big place and at times, very confusing. The signs are quite small and unclear. Without the nurse to direct us where to go, we would surely get lost! We had to run to different places to get the different tests done. At each place, there was queueing and waiting.
It was a very tiring experience for me even though I am not the one undergoing the tests and checks. It must have been worse for my father. :( We will have to go back to SGH at least thrice to see the heart consultant, the eye consultant, and finally the diabetes consultant again for follow up. Sigh. Not looking forward to the queueing and waiting... :(
PS. Seeing what my father has gone through, it serves as a reminder for me to watch my sugar intake. I am so going to make sure I stay pre-diabetic for as long as I can. Friends, do tell me off if you see me eating sweet stuff. Thanks in advance. :)
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Delightful Tomorrow - Domani Cafe
Juliane had a Carbonara ($14.50): spaghetti with honey baked ham and bacon in cream sauce finished with egg yolk and parmigiano. Real comfort food! :) Simple ingredients but rich in taste. Marieann ordered a Pescatore ($18:50): spaghetti with sauteed seafood in tomato sauce. Tangy tomato never fails to whet the appetite. :) I wanted something healthy so I had the Grilled Norwegian Salmon ($16): served with couscous, mixed green and mustard cream sauce. The salmon was grilled to perfection with its skin crispy and its meat moist and the mustard cream sauce complimented the salmon very well. :) The girls' father ordered from the Brunch Special, a Croque Monsieur ($14): a ham and cheese grilled sandwich. For dessert, we girls shared a Strawberry Sundae ($7.50). Anything sweet is good lol. :)
After lunch, the girls followed their father while I browsed around, mainly at the bookstore, Kinokuniya lol.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Tooth's Out
Juliane: There's something hard hard inside my mouth.
Me: Is it? I have a look. Ahhh, your new tooth is out! Why didn't you say anything?
Juliane: Oh, I thought it was skin.
Me: ... ...
Juliane's lower right front milk tooth started becoming loose about 3 weeks ago. I thought it would drop off on its own as it did with Marieann's milk teeth so I didn't bother too much with it until today. I was so surprised to see Juliane's new permanent tooth growing out from behind her milk tooth. Oh no, I hope her new tooth won't be crooked! I quickly called my friend, Hoon who is a dentist. She managed to squeeze Juliane in for an appointment today. Juliane was really brave! She sat really still for the jab whereas I paled at the sight of the needle. :S Within 15 minutes, Juliane had her milk tooth extracted. :) Hoon said it is still too early to say if her tooth would be crooked. Hopefully her tongue movement would help to push out the tooth to its correct position.
To reward Juliane for her bravery, the "tooth fairy" (aka me) will be paying her a visit tonight lol. :P
Friday, 12 March 2010
School's Out
The only person who is upset about the one week break is Juliane. She is in preschool and her preschool does not follow the mainstream school holiday calendar. She was mumbling, "Not fair. Not fair. Not fair." the entire time since she knew about her sister's one week holiday. Don't worry, Juliane, when you are in P1 next year, you will have your one week holiday too, along with the homework, tests, and exams! Haha. :P
Thursday, 11 March 2010
My 40" LCD TV
Many thanks to my colleague who gave me and my new TV a ride home. :) Once home, I started setting up the TV haha. My family was sitting around and watching me as if I was the entertainment. By 7pm, we were watching Transformers blue-ray disc on my new 40" LCD TV. What a difference it makes watching on a big screen!
Size really matters! Lol. :P
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Wong Clan Genealogy
Flipping through the Zu Pu makes me in awe of my Wong Clan ancestry. I am the 34th generation of the Wong clan. The 1st generation started in 854 A.D.! That's a total of 1156 years in between! Mind you, we are only the descendants from a particular branch of the Wong clan. There will be other branches of the Wong clan that dates back even further.
I am really proud to be a Wong. Once a Wong, always a Wong. :)
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Prize Collection
"Have you collected your TV?"
"How's your new 40" TV?"
"Sony, must be good hor"
When they knew I have yet to collect it:
"How come you still don't want to collect your prize? A 40" tv leh!"
"You don't want it, is it? Then give to the office lah."
Haha. My dear friends and colleagues, I must thank all of you for your excitement about my prize. :) Just to let all of you know, I will be collecting my prize on Thursday lol. If you want, you can come over to my workstation to take a look at it, ok? Hahaha. :)
Monday, 8 March 2010
Lucky Draw Winner
Today, I received an email from the staff lunch organising committee asking me to collect my prize from their office by 12 March and to bring a trolley when collecting the TV as it is bulky! I guess my delay in collecting my prize stems from two reasons: 1) that the TV is bulky and I will need private transport to bring it home and 2) I have no idea where to put the TV at home. No matter where the TV ends up - in the living room, in my parents' room or in my room(! :P), we may have to rearrange some furniture. More work haha. We'll see. :)
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Family Gathering
Saturday, 6 March 2010
SCGS Gathering & Birthday Celebrations
During lunch, it was the usual catching up for the adults while the kids played with one another. We also talked about our coming all-girls trip in 2011, either to Perth or some place where it is easy to do self-driving. :) Since I am the only one who don't drive and feeling bad, I offered to get my driving licence before then. My friends were silent for a while before unanimously saying that they would probably let me drive only if they are absolutely drunk! Otherwise, there's not a chance they will allow me to drive when they are sober. Hmm, they must have seen my coordination when I play driving games. I CRASH cars!! Hahaha. :D
For dessert and tea/coffee, we adjourned to the 3rd level of Hsiao's house which is Mediterranean themed. There was a surprise for Karen and Chung. Steph bought an ice cream cake to celebrate both their birthdays. The children were really intrigued with the cake which was colourfully decorated with jelly beans. :)
A candid photo of the birthday girls with the children :)
We parted ways close to 4:30pm with promises to meet up for lunch again but without the children and husbands around haha. :)
PS. I brought the girls "swimming" in the morning. I did try to teach them how to float but I failed miserably. :( Looks like they need professional help.
Friday, 5 March 2010
I do try my best to help. :)
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Denver, Here I Come
You have got to be kidding me! I was flipping through the channels on cable when I saw this movie titled "Things to do in Denver When You're Dead"! Ok now I know someone or something is telling me something.
Actually not yet, I still have another 1 and a half months to go. :) But things happening around me are reminding me of my coming trip to Denver. First, the 2009/2010 Official Visitors Guide to Denver & Colorado came in the mail. I had requested for a copy back in January 2010 and I have totally forgotten about it until now. Second, while monitoring Juliane with her homework whereby she has to capitalise names of people, places and things, one of the sentences was "We went to Denver for a ball game." Haha. Third, while I was just browsing through a food blog and what caught my eyes at the bottom of the web page were the Denver adverts lol.
Maybe it's just coincidences that I keep seeing Denver or maybe it's some cosmic law at work here reminding me to start planning for my Denver trip (so many places to visit, so many places to shop, so many places to have food! :P) lol.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Leaving the Fold
Swee Lin is leaving the fold. Sob sob :( Remember how often I crash my notebooks?! Swee Lin has been great, always willing to lend a hand to this "Auntie" whenever I called for help. She (as well as the other guys in IT department) has been most helpful to me and most patient with me, a total IT idiot. :P
Thanks Swee Lin for all the times that you have bailed me out of my IT problems. I really appreciate it. I am going to miss seeing you are around (you are so tall! lol) as well as miss your "Hello, Auntie!" greetings. Lol. :) You take care and I wish you all the best in your new job. :) Keep in touch, ok?
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Wanted: A Loving Home for a Veggie-loving Dog
"My wife's family has a 9 yr old mixed breed (ie mongrel) dog that they adopted when young (was a stray). They have had to move from a house with garden to a much smaller apartment which will not allow for a large dog. As a result they have decided to call the SPCA which as you know, will put him down.
This dog was involved in a road accident when he was a puppy - silly boy ran across a crowded road and got hit by a car which promptly ran off. The family nursed him back to health, and aside from a slightly-loopy ear, he's now as contented as a slightly-loopy-eared-dog can be.
He can be quite timid, but is a gentle dog. He doesn't bite and he is generally sociable (except for vets, which he can spot a mile away). Because of his age, he's not as active as before, although he's still quite a well, heavy-set, dog. He's a vegetarian too
If there are any dog lovers who are sympathetic towards an elderly dog, has a garden for him to bask in the occassional sun, and enjoy his golden years, please contact me at [vizardholland at gmail dot com]"

[Original post:]
Monday, 1 March 2010
Happy 6th Birthday, Juliane!
May you always be surrounded with love, friends and fun! :)
In the evening, we celebrated Juliane's birthday again with another cake and birthday song. She made a wish before blowing out the candles. Silly girl, she actually said her wish aloud hahaha. :)