The girls were really excited and enthusiastic about Earth Hour. They helped to place the candles around the apartment such as in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and toilet. It didn't feel warm without the fan as it was quite breezy. The candles kept getting blown out by the breeze lol. Time also seemed to pass more slowly without the tv and computer. But we didn't mind as we all seemed more relaxed and were having fun. The girls and I star-grazed, talked and told ghost stories under the candle light. :) All too soon, we could use electricity again. The girls were already in bed before the Earth Hour ended. :) They are looking forward to Earth Hour 2011.
The only person who avoided Earth Hour was the girls' father. He took a long drive around for close to 1.5 hours. Sigh. What a bad role model for the girls. But thank goodness, the girls are not like him and are more than willing to do their part for Earth, even if it is only an hour. I will try to educate them to save more energy and to do more for Earth, or Gaia.
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