We arrived at Hsiao's place just before 5pm. It was the usual potluck. Hsiao prepared canapes topped with pork and cheese, I made potato apple salad, Chung brought yu sheng and Steph, ice cream. Karen brought her mee siam, kueh pie ti and chicken wings. Absolutely delicious!! And this time, Karen prepared everything herself!! Way to go, Karen. :) The adults were eating and chatting away while the children were having dinner at their own kiddie table. But I think they were more interested in playing than having dinner proper as they were soon running around the place and playing together lol. :P
After dinner, the adults adjourned to the 3rd level Moroccan themed lounge area to have drinks, dessert and more chit-chat. The children were still running up and down the place playing lol.
It was a wonderful evening well-spent with good friends and there were plenty of good food and drinks and laughter to go round. :) Once again, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. Until next year for our big gathering. :)