The tainted milk scandal first emerged on 10 September when more than a dozen babies in Gansu province developed kidney stones after drinking a brand of baby formula. On 11 September, other cases had emerged in the provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Anhui and Hunan. Apparently, the toxic industrial chemical melamine has been added to make the baby formula appear higher in protein. By now, more than 50,000 infants have been affected and 4 babies have died; and other foods like yogurts, cookies and candies that could contain Chinese dairy derivatives have led to their banning or recalling by more than a dozen countries. It just seems to get worse and worse.
No one is spared from this tainted milk fiasco. All of a sudden, we find ourselves forgoing certain food products which contained adulterated milk powder as they were pulled off the shelves, we find ourselves reading ingredient labels either for the first times in our lives or more diligently, ...
Despite the human tragedy, I think there may be something good that comes out of this fiasco. We may now be more health conscious as we examine the things we eat, especially with regards to processed food products. I am sure many of us will be looking at the ingredient labels a lot more and very carefully from now on. It is a good habit actually. :) I have been looking at ingredient labels since late last year when I found out I am pre-diabetic. You will be surprised at the things they put into some of the processed food products!
Dear Friends and Family, take care and stay healthy.