Today, my colleagues, friends and I attended a colleague's wedding at Orchard Parade Hotel. It is a joyous event for the lovely couple, KM & J! I really enjoyed the video montages. It is different from the usual photo montage album placed at the banquet venue for guest to flip through. I wish them all the best in their marriage.
As usual, it was also catching-up time for most of us (colleagues). Even though, we sometimes meet each other at work, we haven't the time to talk. I got to know a few colleagues better. I always like social events like these, but only if I sit with people I know :) because it is the perfect time to know these people better as everyone is relaxed and happy.
PS. A little incidence: Had called hubby about 9:30pm to ask him to pick me up after the dinner. He expressed his interest to watch CSI (which shows at 10pm). Sigh, show is more important than wife. Hahaha. Ok lor, let him watch his show so I walked home. Friends who sms-ed to make sure I got home safe, THANK YOU. It was a pleasant walk, cool weather, and the solitude was quite nice.
Bean bean, u look great in the evening wear... I would have given a wolf whistle!!!!! =)) pls show off urself more my dear mate!!!
Hahaha. Bear, you really think so?! You know, most of your ex-colleagues were surprised with my "change" in dressing... Hahahaha. Ok, then I start showing off a bit more of myself more often. HAHAHA. LOL.
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