I met up with good friends - Winnie, Theresa and Clara for dinner. We had wanted to go to Sun with Moon but it was packed so we ended up back at Sakae, Wheelock Place where we had our last girls' night out. Hahaha. Dinner was simple but the main focus was on the catching up - current happenings with our lives, with our work, and about our future plans. Laughter peppered our conversation throughout. LOL. We adjourned to Coffee Bean & Tea Leaves (outside of Wheelock Place) to continue our conversation and laughing. It is really fun catching up with friends and to have so much fun laughing away without a care. =)
I took a lift home from Winnie. But we went to Mark and Spencer, Paragon first as Winnie had to run a quick errand. As I didn't have my sweets tonight, I had a Caramel gelato from Bravissimo, Paragon. Really sweet and delicious. Lol.
PS. The girls thought I look nice tonight. Thank you. Always nice to hear compliments. Winnie said I should wear more short skirts to show off my legs. We shall see. =) HAHAHA.
Yes Yes Bear definitely think short skirts suit you bery bery much =) and catch up soon again!!! oh yeah!!!! =P
Thanks again, Bear for your compliment. With your encouragement, I will definitely step out more often with short skirts. Hahaha. LOL. Yes, let's meet up again soon. You take care. Don't stress, okay?
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