In the morning, we "divide and conquer". The girls' father went to the girls' pediatrician to get some medication (fever, flu, cough, diarrhea) on standby for the Hong Kong trip while I went to the post office to mail a parcel to my nephews in England. Boys, your pressies are in the mail, should get to you boys by next week. Thanks for being patient with 姑妈. :) After that, I went to my family doctor with my girls to get my standby medication for my two trips while the girls' father went to Apple store at Wheelock. We met back at Wheelock and decided to have lunch at Sun with Moon Japanese restaurant. It has been a while since we had food here.
The girls shared a Tori Kamameshi ($17.80): chicken with teriyaki sauce, miso soup, appetiser, pickles, fruit and tea. The girls were more thrilled with the hourglass that came with their set lunch than their lunch, lol. But they managed to finish everything and even had some of my lunch set. Haha.
I had Hokkai Sushi Roll & Sapporo Charsiew Shoyu Ramen ($32.80): sushi with scallop tempura, crab meat and asparagus, salmon sashimi, ramen with soy sauce stock and charsiew, pickles, fruit and tea. The girls shared my ramen. The ramen stock and charsiew weren't too bad but I thought the ramen could have been a little more springy. I really like the sushi, the combination of scallop, crabmeat and asparagus were really good. I gave away my salmon sashimi because I don't take raw fish.
The girls' father had Hotate Butter Yaki & Mini Buta Don ($29.80): grilled scallop with butter, mini grilled pork rice bowl, salmon sashimi, pickles, fruit and coffee. The grilled pork was a little tough but the taste was not bad.
We all shared a Tofu Cheese Cake and a Blue Berried Honeysuckle & Vanilla Mousse ($5.80). I thought the mousse was really unique and delicious. I could taste the honeysuckle and it gave a refreshing slant to the mousse.
After lunch, I went to POSB, Centrepoint to get the bank's swift code as I needed that for the Korean conference while the girls' father went to get a jacket from Robinson's. We also pick up some toiletries for the trip. Once home, I started to pack for the trips - the girls' and my clothing for the Hong Kong trip in one luggage and in a separate luggage, the clothing for my Korean trip. No choice, I have to pack my Korean trip luggage now, otherwise there is no time when I return from the Hong Kong trip.
I got a lot done today. But there is more to be done, lol. Later, I will make a small addition to my conference presentation slides and work on my Chapter 4 Results. :P
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