making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Saturday 2 August 2008

It's Over!

I had my parents' workshop this morning. I reached the school in the morning by 8:30am but I was up by 6:30am just to run through my notes again for the workshop. I didn't want to look at my notes during the presentation. :P

About 70 parents signed up for my workshop on "The Cyberworld and Our Children". I must say while doing up the slides for this workshop, I learnt a lot too. :) Hopefully, I am a little more cyberworld savvy now lol. :P I was nervous just before the workshop but once I launched into it, I was fine. I managed to keep within the time of 2.5 hours too. :)

I reached home at 1pm and I went straight to bed. I was just so mentally and physically exhausted! I woke up at 5pm, not too long ago. LOL. Hungry now, going to eat something. Will update later.

Updated 4:50am 3 August 2008
I couldn't believe it. I was that exhausted! I thought I would lie in bed around 10+pm for a little while and then get up to update my blog, read a book. But I slept till 4am-ish!!! Now I am really refreshed and wide awake. Might as well update my blog and read my book, Blasphemy by Preston. Haha. :P

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