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Monday 2 July 2007

Random Thoughts

Was watching "Be Strong, Guem-Soon!" with the girls this evening. Saw a scene where Guem-Soon was being wheeled into OT and saying it was strange watching the lights passing by overhead. I recalled my own experience with my emergency operation last year. It was a truly weird feeling, being wheeled from your ward into OT. I could only lie there, watching and counting the lights as they passed overhead. I remembered shivering badly which I put it down to me being scared. Of course, it was that and plus the fact that I was actually going into septic shock then which I didn't know. Or else I would have been even more terrified knowing that there was a possibility that I might die. *Shudders*
So I must really thank my lucky stars, keep healthy and live life to its fullest!

Part of my keeping healthy is eating a balanced diet. After dinner, I would try to take fruits. Tonight, it was cherries. While eating them, I suddenly recalled that a good friend could tie a knot in a cherry stalk in his mouth. I decided to give it a go. I succeeded the second time. Hahaha. I realised the length of the stalk does make a difference. It was easier to tie a knot with a longer stalk and of course, a flexible tongue helps too. LOL.

Working out is good for health too, which I try to do regularly (like once a month?!). Hahaha. You know you have really worked out when your legs and arms ache as you move them. No pain, no gain, right?! LOL. Those are good aches! Hahaha. Looking forward to my monthly work outs. LOL.

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