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Sunday, 27 November 2011

Farewell, Seunghee

Another colleague is leaving. She will be returning to New Zealand with her husband and her young daughter, Molly. Although I haven't had the chance to work with her, I have had the opportunity to interact with her especially about things Korea and Korean. :) Seunghee is Korean. :) She helped to get my girls their lovely hanbok from Korea.

There was a farewell gathering at her place today for our workplace colleagues. My family came along with me. The girls played with Molly who is under 2 years old. They were having a great time! Lol.

Molly posing prettily for Marieann who took this photo

Seunghee, Molly and Francis, take care of yourselves in NZ. Sad to see you leave but who knows, we will meet in the near future, either in NZ or in Korea lol. :P Take care!!

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