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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

iPad or Kindle?

I have both the iPad and Kindle. Although I know which one I favour more, it would be interesting to see what this Blogthing would reveal.

You Are a Kindle

You are a true lover of books and a hardcore reader. You love to get lost in what you're reading.
This is so true! :)
Even though you like spending time online, you know that it can distract you from what you should be doing.
Yes, like I should be working on the final revision for my dissertation, and not blogging lol. :P

You are rather serious and down to earth. You don't give into frivolous notions.
If you will truly use a gadget, you'll buy it - but you don't buy anything just because it's the latest and greatest.
So, SO TRUE of me!! :) I love the games on the iPad but I much prefer to read using the Kindle, less glaring for me.

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