After the keynotes, there were concurrent invited panels on: popular culture & education and religion & education. Again, I had to help upload the PowerPoints that were sent to me by the invited panelists into the PCs in the LTs. I remained to help in one of the panels to control the switches for the panelists. During the panel session, I also had to locate the whereabouts of the keynoters as they have an important lunch with PS MOE immediately after the panel session. Thank goodness, four of them were in either panel session. The other two would make their way to the lunch venue. After the concurrent panel sessions, I gathered and escorted the four keynoters to the lunch with PS MOE.
After that, I went to my first presentation venue to prepare myself. I skipped lunch totally. I just was too nervous haha. I was the 3rd speaker for the first concurrent paper session (1:30-3pm) on Science Education. I was very shocked to see the room overflowing with audience! Some even had to stand. :O I was darn nervous but I had the support of my friends who were there at my session. Somehow I felt encouraged by their presence. Thanks, my friends. :)
I went immediately to my next presentation venue. Again I was the last speaker (3:15-4:45pm) on Student Performance and Assessment. Once again there were more people than available chairs. I had to sms for chairs to be brought in. No one I know was at the session. But somehow I wasn't as nervous as the first presentation. Maybe I was high on adrenalin haha. :P But for once, I thought I really held my own. Maybe because it is on my PhD. :) I had quite a number of questions but I was able to answer them. I impressed one Master Teacher so much that she is thinking of inviting me to give a talk about self-assessment to her other colleagues from 5 or 6 schools. :) I am so relieved and happy that both my presentations went well. My boss high-fived me and Prof David B gave me a hug for a job well done! :) I am quite touched that the keynoters asked about my presentation and how it went. I am surprised that big names like them actually remembered small fries like me. I mean they have more important things to remember. :P
At 5pm, I again gathered the keynoters and brought them to the pick up point for tonight's conference dinner which was held at Malay Cultural Village. There was a guided museum tour, followed by Malay buffet dinner and Malay dances during dinner. It was really interesting and fun. Everyone enjoyed the conference dinner. :)
By the time I reached home, it was close to 10pm. I was exhausted but sleep didn't come easy. Another day to go...
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