I am considered a Trekkie, I suppose haha. :P I have watched every episode of Star Trek: The Original Series and its spin-offs such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. The only spin-off I have missed is Deep Space Nine. I have watched all the Star Trek movies starting from Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock, The Voyage Home, The Final Frontier, The Undiscovered Country, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis. For me, the most memorable movie with the original cast is The Wrath of Khan and the most memorable movie with The Next Generation cast is First Contact. :)
I came out of the cinema all SMILES. Star Trek 2009 went beyond my expectations. I am amazed how the new cast managed to "look" like the original cast in terms of mannerism, their essence and looks too: Spock, Dr "Bones" McCoy, Kirk, Uhuru, Sulu, ... I am really happy that Leonard Nimoy, the original Spock reprised his role as the elder Spock in the movie. It was just amazing to see the younger (and new) Spock along side the elder (and original) Spock. They look uncannily alike! The action sequences were really great and kept me off my seat. :) I can't wait to see the next Star Trek movie and "to boldly go where no man has gone before" with this new Star Trek cast. :P I think with this new Star Trek movie, there will be a new generation of Trekkies. :) Here's to Trekkies, "Live Long and Prosper". :)
Here is the trailer for Star Trek 2009.
Here are my favourite pieces from the Star Trek 2009 OST
it's spock, my dear, not spook!
Hey there...do you have a pair of spock ears...I can overlook almost anything...but I'd have to overcome alot to overlook spock ears! LOL
My sister's family is into Star Trek and star Wars...I don't get it. I've found over the years that the very very intellegent people like that stuff so there you go!
I can't get into it...so what does that say about me? Hey! I think Ijust insulted myself!!
HAHAHA. You are so funny, Abby. :P There are two kinds of people who like Star Trek and Star Wars. Either the very intelligent people or ... No offence intended to other people and I am in this category(!), the very free people with nothing better to do. Hahaha. :P
PS. I forgot to thank the kind soul who corrected me. I was so SPOOKED by the Spocks haha. :P
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