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Tuesday, 25 November 2008

If I am a Cat...

If I am a cat, I would be a Ragdoll Cat hahaha. Well, that's according to a recent Blogthings quiz. I do know a Ragdoll Cat personally. I do think he is the most adorable cat, very laid back and sweet but also very regal and poise. :) But to say I am like a Ragdoll, that really tickles me, LOL. See my responses below.
You Are a Ragdoll Cat

You are extremely cute and cuddly. You are downright adorable.

Your personality matches your exterior. You are very laid back and sweet.
Laid back, Yes. Described by a good friend as having no ambition lol.

You don't really like the outdoors. You prefer to stay inside where it's cozy.
Why go outdoors when I can nap?! Lol.

Luckily, you are the perfect houseguest. You are polite and obedient.
Of course, I am the guest, have to behave. :P

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