Although there were still plenty of space outdoors in the outdoor garden pavilion, we requsted to be seated indoors. It should be quite cool outdoors as there were fans in the pavilion. Before our orders came, we were given a complimentary plate of bread with butter, strawberry and blackcurrant jam.
Juliane had some of the bread and a cupcake as she said she wasn't very hungry.
Marieann had a Graze baked omelet ($16): which came with 4 of Marieann's choices of cheese, ham, potato and tomatoes, and a salad. The omelet was pretty rich because of the cheese. Marieann finished most of everything on her plate, lol.
I had a "The cast iron pan" ($18) which came with smoked bacon, mushroom, tomato, potato, baked beans, fried egg and plum chili salsa. It was supposed to come with Graze bratwurst sausage but it was made of beef and pork so they gave me extra bacon instead, a LOT extra, lol. :) It was a real hearty breakfast and a quick look around, I see mostly guys ordered this dish. Oh well, I do enjoy my food.
The girls' father had a Scottish smoked salmon ($13): on toasted bagel with lemon and dill cream cheese spread and fresh salad. I had two bite size of salmon on the bagel and loaded them with extra cream cheese. It was heavenly. :)
It was a great breakfast. The ambience was peaceful, quiet and in a way, quite zen. Well if you consider eating as a kind of meditation, lol. :) I really enjoyed the breakfast. I think we will be coming back to Rochester Park to explore the other restaurants. :)
After our late breakfast, Juliane and I were dropped off at Tanglin Mall for our usual weekend routine. We did some window shopping and I bought a dress for myself, lol. It is for a wedding lunch coming up soon. :) After that, we took a slow leisurely walk home from Tanglin Mall.
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