I only went to bed close to 2:30am. Soon after, I heard sirens and then shoutings. At first, I thought there was a fight and the police was called in. My parents were woken up too. The three of us looked out the window and saw two fire engines, 3 police cars downstairs and quite a crowd of our neighbours standing around at the carpark. This was how our trilogue went: (can't really remember who said what)
Hrmm, there's a fire?!
Oh yar, can smell the smoke.
Do we go downstairs too?
Why so kaypoh go downstairs?
Oi, fire leh, don't play play.
What about the kids? Wake them up or carry them down?
Wait, check where is the fire first. Then we bring the kids down.
Go wake up the maid and the girls' father too.
Wah he is still sleeping?! How come he didn't hear anything??!! (me)
Ok, I will carry the younger one. But I change first! I would rather die than to be seen in public in my Tweety nightshirt! (me)
As I was carrying Juliane down 9 flights of stairs, there were police knocking on doors and evacuating our neighbours unit by unit, floor by floor. At the carpark, the police took down details of which unit we were from and if everyone was out of the unit and we were told to wait for further instructions from the police and the fire department. Everyone were just hanging around at the carpark, and I had Juliane hanging on me! I carried her in my arms for close to an hour. My arms are DYING!!! Neighbours were making small talks with each other, wondering how the fire got started,... The adults were fairly concerned but I think the kids actually enjoyed the drama. The kids were just running around, playing, laughing... even my own kids thought it was fun and exciting. Oh dear. Have to educate them in the morning about the dangers of fire.
By about 3:20am, we were informed by the police that the fire had been put out but we have to wait for the fire department to declare it safe before we can return to our apartments. Ok, some more waiting.. Although the fire has been put out, we could still see smoke coming out from the 7th floor apartment on and off. We could also see the firemen going into the apartment again and again to check for possible reignited sparks. Finally, at about 3:50am, we were given the all clear to return to our apartments and the police took down our details again. I carried Juliane up 9 flight of stairs because I didn't dare to try taking the lift. MY POOR ARMS! :S
I am too awake to go back to sleep so I am blogging about it now. If you see me tomorrow with panda eyes, you know why and please excuse me. It's 4:45am now. There is still a fire engine downstairs, probably for safety precaution, in case the fire started up again(?!). And we are all very lucky because it just started raining. If it had rained earlier, we would all have been caught in the rain. Thank goodness!
What a night. What a drama. What a panda-looking me!
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