After counselling, it was still raining. Had to call for a taxi. When I got home, it started to let up. The weather just didn't allow one to do much except laze around or sleep. But I was trying hard not to nap or I would up late in the night again, lol. Surfed the net, checked emails and checked out blogs, and I also started playing this online game, Bejeweled. Very fun to play! Then I went for a Teh-C at the foodcourt near my place to help myself keep awake.
Came home and started playing Bejeweled again and this time was timed games. Wah, darn addictive, played for an hour!! Better stop, lol. Started raining again. Went to read a book and guess what, I fell asleep! Hahaha.
In the evening, it was still raining. We went to Isetan Private Sale because my mother called from China that she wanted a certain Kipling bag. No choice, had to go take a look if Isetan Kipling has it. Nope, they didn't have it. Wasted my time. Since we didn't have dinner yet, we went to have dinner at Orchard Cafe, Orchard Hotel. No choice, very hungry and the other places were all crowded. I ordered the Signature Orchard Cafe Pork Chop ($22.50): pan-roasted pork chop with black pepper sauce, served with crispy soft-shell crab and sauteed vegetables. I thought it was just average. Hubby ordered Num (Nasi Udang Mangga) ($18.50): fried garlic rice with mango, king prawns and asparagus. I had a spoon or two and it was not bad. The girls ordered french fries to share. I don't think I would come back for its ala carte because it is quite expensive for pretty average food. :P
The rain finally stopped when we reached home. It has been such a WET day.
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