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Friday, 30 November 2007

Christmas Dinner (Real Early, lol)

Tonight is the Christmas Dinner hosted by the girls' father's company at The Line, Shangri-La Hotel. There were about 28 of us, including children and spouses. It was buffet dinner at The Line. It has various open-concept kitchen stations serving different cuisines/ food: Seafood (fresh), Salad, Japanese, Western, Chinese, Indian, Local, Dessert, Ice Cream, and Crepes. The selection of food was pretty good and wide. The most popular stations would be that of seafood and Japanese, and I think, Dessert! :) Here are some photos of the stations, mostly dessert, lol. :P

I really enjoyed the Seafood and Western, especially the Yorkshire Potato Pudding, the potato gnochi and ravioli, all creamy and sinful stuff. Lol. Of course, not forgetting the desserts, glorious desserts!! Don't worry, I didn't eat everything by myself, I shared. Ain't I nice? Hahaha.

I also ordered two different kind of lemonade. (Yes, yes, I know, my sugar level is going to hit the roof, lol).The first was Citrus Mint Lemonade, a real refreshing drink and the second was Chamomile Vanilla Lemonade. While the first lemonade wasn't so sweet and has a minty taste (which I like), the second has a unique aftertaste of vanilla and chamomile which made it interesting but it was a tad too sweet. I really can't decide which one I liked better. :P

After dinner, there was gift exchanging. Way before tonight's dinner, each staff had to draw a name and to get that person a gift that starts with that person's name! It was a rather interesting and fun way of getting someone his/ her gift. You can imagine the laughter that came about because of the gifts received. :) The girls' father got himself a clip-on light (for reading) and I got a HUGE bottle of Jelly Beans!! Yes, my kind of gift. Lol.

The dinner ended close to 11pm and the girls' father gave two of his bosses a lift to their hotel and gave his colleague, Lia a lift home. I enjoyed this company dinner very much. It is many times better than the one I attended last year where the atmosphere was kinda tense and stiff all because of a particular person. But this year, it is FUN, livelier and much cosier. =D

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