I celebrated Earth Hour 2009 with my girls in Singapore this year. It is one of the most unforgettable and fun moments for the girls. By 8:15pm, the girls were already washed up and changed into their PJs ahead of their usual 9pm routine. At 8:30pm sharp, we switched off all the lights and electrical appliances. I lighted 3 candles, 2 for the living room and 1 for the kitchen. The girls were really thrilled. They went to the windows to check which units had participated (or not) in Earth Hour. They exclaimed loudly when a certain unit didn't participate. A minute later, that unit switched off their lights. Oops. They must have heard my girls. :P
The girls made animal shadows with the candle light. After a while, they got bored. They started to tell each other scary stories by the candle light! Hahaha. Time flies when you are having fun. :) All too soon, it was 9:30pm. I allowed the girls to blow out the candles before they retire to bed.
PS The girls' father didn't participate in Earth Hour. He claimed that his car needed a wash. Yar right, the fact is he needed the air-con. Sigh.
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