As you know, we moved to "The Abyss" yesterday. Today is our second day. I thought after one night of good sleep (err... quite tiring, you know, both mentally and physically unpacking the boxes), "The Abyss" might look and feel different today. One can hope, right? So did it change? Unfortunately, it is still DEEP, SECLUDED and SIGNAL-LESS. :( Sigh.
A quick walk around (being kay poh lol) showed that 2/3 of us have managed to unpack all our boxes. Oh, don't be too happy for us so soon. When I said unpacked, it didn't equate to organised! Lol. We just dumped everything we unpacked from our boxes into our filing cabinet, overhead cabinet and drawers without care if they should be there or not, haha. We only cared about getting the boxes out of the way, out of sight, lol. We will slowly organise them another time lor, lol.
In a bid to make the place more cosy, many of us tried to personalise our work stations and work areas. I did by getting more stationery, colourful ones (orange, green, blue), to brighten up my work station, lol. I have yet to put up my postcards and photos because I have no idea where I have dumped most of them into... Hmm, is it the filing cabinet, or overhead cabinet or ... Argh, look for them another day, too lazy... :P
Hmm, it is beginning to look and feel more like a conducive environment to work in when... "RING, RING, RING"..."HELLO?..Hi blah blah blah..." What the ....?! "The Abyss" is an open space and so, everyone can hear everyone's phone ringing and conversations! Sigh. There goes my peace and quiet... Ok, never mind, can still try to bear with it, with ear phones/ plugs. I smart lol. Wait, what's that smell?? Who is spraying what?! Ewww. Ok, I am going to look so darn ridiculous wearing ear plugs and nose clip. Forget it. No wonder, some of our colleague had gone back to their former fishbowls to work. They the smart ones lol. Actually, I (me sour grape) think they suffering from Fishbowl withdrawal symptoms, lol.
Ok, so in "The Abyss", noise/ sounds/ conversations can be heard by everyone, scent can be diffused to every corner... What's next? Wait, do I want to know? Maybe I should work from home more, hor? LOL.
Keep tuned for the final exciting conclusion to The Move saga. I will take more photos when everyone is much more settled in - of the work stations and of colleagues who are happy to be in "The Abyss". :) Today, people too shy to let me take photos of them...
PS. CD, don't worry about me taking photos of people sleeping because I won't find anyone sleeping on the job! We are all such hardworking people. Hahaha. :P
No privacy anymore!!!
No privacy anymore from my camera and me, is it?! Hahaha. Joking lah.
I know what you mean. At least, I had the experience of having worked in an open space like this in school and in MOE HQ. But still, it will take some getting used to again. We help each other to cope lor. :)
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