This is my first visit to the National Library at its present site. I am just in awe of what I saw. It is so... I just can't describe it but it is good. It evoked memories and emotions long forgotten. It is a good feeling. Thanks again, SA. With Juliane quietly in tow, I walked through the shelves and browsed at the books. Eventually, I stopped at the Comics and Graphic Novels shelves. Hahaha. Yup, I saw the titles you recommended: Ultimate X-men, New X-men, ... and many more, including Buffy. My fingers automatically started to rearrange the Buffy comics in order. A habit learnt. You will know why later.
Walking through the shelves, looking at people reading books, being in NL again, sure brought back many fond memories and emotions. You are right, SA. It is like the rediscovery of some lost continent. I remembered going to the old NL too (at Stamford and the red bricks) when I started primary school. Both my brother and I were regular patrons of NL then. Eventually, I stopped going to NL when I was in secondary school. I only went to NL again at JC for a GP research project. Sadly, that was the last time I stepped into NL until now. Better late than never. Hahaha.
However, all the time I was absent from NL, I was still surrounded by books. I had joined the Library ECA, in primary and secondary school. I loved being the first person in the library and the last person to leave the library (still do actually). I could proudly say I finished reading all the books in the primary school library as well as in the school secondary library. I was spending so much time in the library, that eventually, I was voted the head librarian in secondary school. Hahaha. So now, you know why I would automatically rearrange books when I see them out of place. A "bad" habit, in deed. Yes, sometimes I tend to do that too even at bookshops. Hahaha.
Currently, going to the NIE/ NUS libraries are for work and study - looking for books and journal articles. I still love the excitement of looking for a particle book or journal volume among the rows and rows of shelves. But because it is for work/ study, it does take the fun out of reading and of going to the library, if you know what I mean. However, with the rediscovery of NL, I shall go there in future for my leisure read.
Oh yes, I am now a registered library member and I have got my library membership card too. Hahaha. I also managed to dig up my old NL library cards. I know I am such a sentimental fool. Hahaha.
PS. See you around at the NL, SA. =)
Hi SA,
Didn't borrow any books as I have two papers to hand in by next week. Maybe at my next NL visit. Feel kinda apologetic towards you for your trouble. :( Sorry. However, I did browse through the comics. I went ga-ga over them. Hahaha. I don't recall the old NL having comics or maybe I just didn't know where they were located then.
I realised that you were still up very late/ early (depending on how you look at it) in order to reply me. Thanks. Hope you have had enough sleep. I normally sleep very late. I find it easier to think, write because it is very quiet and my girls won't disturb me. hahaha. Oh, and to read too. I think my record was reading through the night to the next morning. You can imagine how "energetic" I was the next day. Hahaha. As you already know, it is sometimes so difficult to put a good book down!
Btw, YES, I could tell that you are a fellow comics fan too. Hahaha. Talk to you later, my bookworm, horror too, mutant, library card carrying, (and may I add) comics fan SA. =) Hahaha.
Books can be borrowed over 3 weeks and renewed for a token sum, so it's better to hog the book first (in case someone borrows it)!
Yes, been up this weekend due to an urgent deadline on Monday. I find that I've had less time to read books of late, but comics, ah one can read that anywhere and quickly!
Why did you get a membership card for the NLB? You can use your IC as a membership card.. Accumulating cards? :) Singaporeans' favourite pasttime i guess.
I'm sure you need not head into the town NLB everytime (there's one in Taka too).. don't you have a nearby community library that you can use as well?
Am even more surprised your little girl didn't borrow anything!!
Back to work. There's only me in the office and it's quiet... deathly quiet *shudder*
The Past-Midnight Coffee-Needed Secret Reader
WHAT?! Still in the office at this time! Ok, just don't think of the horror stories that you have read. Hahaha. Ok, shouldn't be so mean. :P
The card looks cool. So why not? Hahaha. Actually, since I had the old ones, I wanted to see what the new card looks like. Again, curiosity. Hahaha. Well, the little one didn't borrow anything because she was hungry and was rushing me to go get food. Hahaha.
Yar, I can head down to Taka Orchard library but NLB still has the largest collection of fiction books, isn't it? Taka Orchard library is the nearest one to my home, direct bus, about 10 mins away.
Good luck with your work. Hope you finish it soon and have some sleep. =)
Browsing the shelves can be a hit or miss affair. Sometimes if you are not looking for anything in particular, you might find a treasure. Other times, it can be frustrating looking for a specific book only to find it's not in the library you're at, but in another on the other side of the island. That's why reserving a book is more effective if you know what you want. It's especially useful if you have to borrow Book 2 after finishing Book 1 (and 2 is not available!)
It's thundering and the lightning isn't helping. Flashes of shadows. I'm concentrating on my screen and not looking anywhere else. *SHUDDER*
Supernaturally Spooked
Yar, tell me about it. At times, looking for a particular book (or journal volume too) is really frustrating when it is not there on the shelf although indicated by the library as being there! I guess reserving the book will be one way to go but it loses the excitement and fun of finding the book on the shelf! Hahaha.
During my librarian years, as I rearranged and tidied the books on the shelves, I have learnt where/ how some people would hide the books so that others can't borrow or read. So this relates directly to what you said, "Sometimes if you are not looking for anything in particular, you might find a treasure". :) Hahaha.
4:45am! And you were still in the office!?! Did you bring a sleeping bag? You might as well have camped overnight. Hmm..telling ghost stories by the light of the computer screen could be quite fun too. HAHAHA. Maybe the next post, I can tell you a ghost story or two that happened in the office. Hahaha. You should be used to my warped sense of humour by now. =)Hahaha.
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