making it easier to keep in touch with family and friends

Monday 22 October 2007


It is confirmed. It is a pandemic! I have never seen anything as highly contagious and widespread as this! It is worse than the SARS virus, than the virus in 28 Days Later & 28 Weeks Later; than the umbrella virus in Resident Evil; than the zombie virus in Dawn of the Dead, Land of the Dead; than the virus in Outbreak; ... No, I am NOT exaggerating. Am most serious. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating a little. Lol.

Huh? What disease? Err... did I say it was a disease? Oh no, I am not talking about an actual disease. I am talking about the Facebook pandemic. Hahaha.

Within a week, a whole office of 10 people, 9 are now on Facebook. And there is even a notice on the wall saying "This Office is on Facebook. Are you???". This is ONLY one office. I have yet to verify the status of the other offices. I am sure the situation is not too far off. Tell me if Facebook isn't super contagious, I don't know what is, hahaha.

As you can tell, I have been highly infected too. Still on Facebook. If there is a cure out there, let me know. Wait, do I want to be cured? NAY! Hahaha. :P

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